Planning Blog Scripts
The movie begins with a tracking shot following a young dog wondering through out the woods. Cutting to a scene where character 1 is convincing character 2 that it will be wise to get a puppy. Character 2 denies and thinks its a bad idea financially and mostly for the characters mental health and sanity. This dialogue will be followed with side shots and tracking as character 2 is frantically pacing convincing their partner/ friend have not decided about their relshonship yet because we aren't sure who will be acting. Following character 2 is convinced this dog will be the end of him because of all the trouble of having a puppy. Character 2 is mainly worried about the house being destroyed and having to take care of it. The next scene is a tracking shot of a car headed out north to see the new born puppy's. Once arrived character 1 and 2 get out of the car a tracking shot of there feet walking...