Planning Blog Scripts
The movie begins with a tracking shot following a young dog wondering through out the woods. Cutting to a scene where character 1 is convincing character 2 that it will be wise to get a puppy. Character 2 denies and thinks its a bad idea financially and mostly for the characters mental health and sanity. This dialogue will be followed with side shots and tracking as character 2 is frantically pacing convincing their partner/ friend have not decided about their relshonship yet because we aren't sure who will be acting. Following character 2 is convinced this dog will be the end of him because of all the trouble of having a puppy. Character 2 is mainly worried about the house being destroyed and having to take care of it. The next scene is a tracking shot of a car headed out north to see the new born puppy's. Once arrived character 1 and 2 get out of the car a tracking shot of there feet walking through the thick grass or mud. After walking up to the litter character 1 sees the perfect pup and a over the shoulder shot of character 1 holding up the dog. The next scene back to a tracking shot of the car. The next scene follows once arrived at home the dog immediately gets energetic. The dog continues to run rampant throughout the house. Character 2 says " I told you this would happen" expressing how he knew. The dog still runs loose and stars ripping apart all of the toys and curtains along with chewing on the table. Character 1 knew this would happen but wanted the dog so bad. Character 2 wants to return it. After a time jump character 2 realized he loves the dog and would do anything for it and it calmed down as it grew older. The following scene consist of character 2 and the dog walking. The dog shows affection with lots of licks. Character 2 thinks how much he loves the dog. There will be a voice over and it will say something along the lines of how much he loves this dog. The scene cuts to credits with embedded names, and the name of the movie. Embedding on a wall or on the dogs side or a paw print.
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