Hey everyone, welcome back to the blog. In this project I will be working with a similar, but different group. This group is different from the last because of new people. I parted ways with Franceska because we thought we didn’t work well together and decided it was better to change things. My only groupmate this time is a good buddy of mine, Aaron, and he has some important skills. I met Aaron a while back in middle school. We chose to work with each other because we know each other well and we think we have synergy together. Every now and then we have fooled around but in the end we are still quite productive. Because we’ve known each other for a while, we are decently close to each other and have good communication. I see Aaron at lunch sometimes and that is also a good opportunity for communication. It’s just the two of us and we are collaborating together to make a new product. We both have skills regarding video editing software, like adobe premiere pro, so we think we would do ...