Story Board

 Our first shot in the story board should go along the lines of admiration of decorations. Followed by meeting a new friend ( group mate) then becoming friends and starting to get into the Christmas spirit. In the following scene we find ourselves gifting gifts to other people. Music starts to cue as person a meets person b. After greeting they break into a dance along with the song. Person A and B start to bring joy to strangers. After a jump cut to fake snow Christmas props were protagonists start dancing. After dancing person a gifts person b a gift where the camrea follows into it and cuts to Christmas tree area. Using jump cuts with clean editing will make this scene look perfect. Along with a touch up on color. Person A is joyful to see Santa. With Santa in the fake snow area. The props are essential in this music video. Props like lights, trees, snow are important because it fits the mood of the music video. The main purpose of most music videos are to show the mood that fits with the song. Following nutcrackers start to dance. My group and I plan on going to a mall tp use the big Christmas tree. The ornaments will be decorative and colorful to support the mood. The lights will already be set up. These decorations will  bring joy to viewers watching.


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