Production Blog: Planning, Brainstorming
Over our spring break me and my group mate have been brain storming. Our thoughts on this project as a whole are that we will perform well. Our plans for our this so far over the course of spring break we brain stormed. Our brain storming conclusions consisted of our plans for our project. At the start of spring break, we met up and brain stormed ideas for our movie. To begin with we started asking each other where will we film? We decided to film at my house because that's where the dog is as well as the back round ideas. For following scenes, we just decided to film outside of my house in the back yard and front. Following we planned out when he was going to arrive and what camera we are using. My group mate also educated me on editing software. Other ideas we had were about locations were the park close to my house. The park close to my house has a open patch of land where we can film. For other filming locations we haven't decided because my partner also has availability to locations alike to that. We haven't decided who will drive to where but likely me. The time we decided to film would be around noon and some inside at night. We chose to do some filming at noon at the park because it looks better on camera. We also checked the weather for several days. For the dog part we decided she would need more training and we will perform that training before we film. We may have decided to change up the film a slight bit we are not sure. Our filming will take place soon and we wanted to start earlier this time and not make the same mistake as last project. Our last project we waited slightly to long.
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