Production Blog: New Plans What's Next?
We have decided on new plans for our movie. So far, this journey has been interesting. Considering our rough weather and setbacks we have had we are doing decently well. Throughout or filming process we have learned even more than we have throughout our other projects combined. We thought those would be difficult, but this has been the real challenge. Controlling the dog and teaching her new tricks has been fairly hard during the making of some scenes the dog would not respond. We have recorded few clips of the inside of the house with the dog. We have set a home video style on our movie making. Only some scenes will be a home video style as we want to include more of an actual movie. So far, the scene's we have filmed were the dog ripping apart a stuffed animal. As well as the dog running rampant throughout the house. Since it has been raining it has prevented from my partner to be able to get to my house or the local park. This id due to all the flooding recently. We may also film a scene were sandy is not allowed outside because of the rain but makes a quick escape out. Following we try to grab her and bring her, but we just cannot catch her. Since the dog is fast it will make it difficult in the movie and in real life. This is why the movie means a lot to me. It makes it feel like my real life dealing with this dog. Although it pays off now. The dog has also done real training.

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