Movie project

     Throughout the filming of this movie we met up several times to discuss our plans. We have completed all the scenes. The scenes we changed up were a couple of scenes that didn't fit well. Those scenes we decided we're not useful to the plot of the movie. As stated we decided to not use the flooding to our advantage. The flooding and evaporated over the course of a week. Our final task has been a challenge throughout. We were tested with this movie compared to our other projects. This movie has was difficult to film we had many set backs. The movie has become a memory of my life. The movie has meant a lot to me because of the dog since my older dog passed away. This movie represented how I felt about getting the dog. It was very truthful and very alike to what I said about my parents.  I felt as if we were replacing the old dog. Therefore the movie means a lot to me because I talked about dialogue in the movie how I felt replacing  our older dog.  We had good dialogue in scenes we prepared.  We used new cameras angles outside of ours camre angle blog. We also used some sound. Most of our sounds were diegetic. We used music as well at the beginning. The song we used represented our main movie. Since the artist is also a dogs lover. The song mized with our vibe.


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