Production blog
On December 10th me and my group plan on going to Broward mall. We decided to go to Broward mall to use there giant Christmas tree to make our video more enjoyable. Using props like this would be essential to the video. The Christmas tree along with a Santa to make our video more real and spark a mood a joyful and happy mood for viewers. Starting a vibe or mood for a video would be good because the mood can express feelings of the video. The mall also has several other Christmas trees along with ornaments. The mall is also equipped with reefs. In case of rain me and my group will wear sweaters or sweatpants and clothes under to avoid the rain. We also have to plan the right time to go because some malls will be busy so early in the morning would be ideal. Early in the morning at the mall will allow us to film with little distractions and most people wont be here either. We chose December 10th to film our video because this Saturday I have to take SAT test. Another reason we chose December 10th is that falls on a Saturday this year and we would no be occupied with school. I also work on Fridays so any given Saturday would be ideal for my schedule. Another reason over the week Monday Wednesday I do have tutoring for SAT test. We also planned to go the mall early in the morning to avoid the crowds. We also decided to not use extra people in or video because it would not be cost effective. The Christmas tree would be light up at certain times so we planned to go during those times. Along with other decorations such as the reefs and lights. Using the mall Santa would also add a great shot to our video. We are prepared and ready to start our video.
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