Group Blog

     Franshesca is good partner because she is smart and capable of basic assignments. Franhesca is a creative and smart student that is enrolled in Cambridge program. She is taking a passion in film studies which is the lass me and her are currently enrolled in. I chose Franchesca because of her passion of film. Francheska is also a A,B student which lets me know she knows what she is doing. I met Franchesca in this class to study other work. This made sense to become friends with her and do the project together. Franchesca also has a particular brand in mind to create a commercial for which is coke a cola. Since she is very smart this shows me that she would be a good partner to complete this class with. Choosing her as a partner has significantly benefited me with my work and motivation to get my work done. Franchesca also has many other outside resources to use for these projects. Using the outside resources that is available to her can help me and her succeed. Her motivation also teaches me a lot. Franchesca also has extreme motivation to complete everything on time and perfectly. I believe its just her character as a human to be a good student and always be motivated. In my past group projects everyone had a different opinion but working with Franchesca showed me that we are very alike and share the same ideas. Franchesca also learns and adapts very quickly to the surrounding academic environment. I also have a drivers license which allows us to go wherever to film our video. Some resources I provide would be the item to film our product. Another resource I have available is a high quality camera. These can make our project more convenient. Franchesca is also a very nice person to be around which makes it easier to get along and complete our film.


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