
Showing posts from December, 2022


  Our video represents social groups and audiences of all music enjoyers. Our video created a happy mood that should be spread upon others. This can be distributed through YouTube where it can reach millions of people and any other form of social media. Some of our previous skills consisted of acting and editing. For example, my group mate was an experienced editor, and it only took us a few hours to edit and during that time I learned a lot about editing and touch ups you can put on any video. I found this interesting and started to learn for myself for future. Another skill that quite heavily developed through the project would be my acting because of the many scenes we had to delete or restart. During this project I used many apps such as filmore and adobe editor, these assisted in our project video some hardware we used throughout our production consisted of laptops and iPhones. These apps helped us throughout our project because the entire project would be nearly impossible wi...

Music video carey

The final product of our video came out good. During filming we have made several mistakes and we have surely learned from them. Some of these mistakes include types of filming software and editing, issues with lighting. These have hindered our ability to make the video better. This project was fun and exciting it has taught me and my partner a lot for our next project. We do plan to work together next project to because of how well we got along and filmed together.

Production Blog

Today we started filming after school, at the galleria mall.  After a few minutes of walking around looking for the perfect space rich with ornaments and decorations we found the spot right under the tree. Our scenes went to plan and exactly how we played them out in our head. As well as the transition from gift box to the beach snowman. This transition scene to the snowman took a while because we had to wait for people to move out of the way since it was a public area. This area was over crowded at the time and took a few shots just to get it perfect. The shot we envisioned was that the snowman would be directly behind the sun and no people would be in the shot. The beach snowman also looked very good on camrea and it fit the theme of the song. It was also pretty close to the galleria mall which made our commute there convenient. The drive there was only about 8 minutes thankfully. Another issue we encountered was there was no parking at all, we had to wait for someone to leave. T...

Production blog

 Being in high school with little money limits our abilities to create a highly skilled music video.  With little money it hinders some of our ideas such as our idea to have backup dancers but that will not work out because of our budget. We plan on making this video to the best of our ability even though we have a tight budget. We may have to switch some scenes around to or completely change them due to our budget. For example on scene we want to change is the jump cut from box to snow we would change it from box to sand snowman. By just going to galleria mall instead of Broward mall has significantly decreased our budget. Constantly decreasing budget is ideal. We will also use our skills based off of the previous project to make this one better in every way we can. Some things that we plan on improving this video are our editing skills, quality of video, and acting skills. All of these skills have been learned through our last video project. Some skills we lacked were editin...

Production Blog

 It is always important to have a back up plan because anything can happen during filming.  Some problems we expect to encounter are poor weather conditions, and some props not set up properly or broken. If the Broward mall is to far from our current location then we will just go to the galleria. The galleria also has Christmas tree and gift props. The galleria is also closer to our school so it would be easier to get there. Not to mention we will go directly after school on Thursday instead of going home because my groupmate lives further west.  In case of rain the streets will become flooded in Fort Lauderdale because of our poor drainage system. We will also bring private props not the ones displayed in the mall. These back up plans will most likely come into action because of the likely hood of any of these events happening.  The back up plan also does not only have to be a backup for physical actions. We have composed a backup plan for editing as well. We plan t...

Production Blog

 Unfortunately, we had to switch the date around once again the Saturday did not work out for us. Mostly because of the boat parade and all the bridges being closed and unable to get over for a few hours. We have decided to reschedule to Thursday. We plan on going to the browed mall after school on Thursday to finish up our video. We may have to switch a few scenes around. The scenes we would have to switch would be the gifting strangers and dancing with them. We are changing that one because it is unlikely to even get strangers to do this with us. On the other hand, though that is the only scene we have to change which is great for us and we can still stick to our story board. For some props we will bring ourselves such as a Christmas present box. We need his prop to create smooth transitions from scene to scene. We will use the scenery around us at the mall to create a better effect. The presents under the tree to start a transition from that scene to the next. Transitions and sw...

Production blog

 On December 10th me and my group plan on going to Broward mall. We decided to go to Broward mall to use there giant Christmas tree to make our video more enjoyable.  Using props like this would be essential to the video. The Christmas tree along with a Santa  to make our video more real and spark a mood a joyful and happy mood for viewers. Starting a vibe or mood for a video would be good because the mood can express feelings of the video. The mall also has several other Christmas trees along with ornaments. The mall is also equipped with reefs. In case of rain me and my group will wear sweaters or sweatpants and clothes under to avoid the rain. We also have to plan the right time to go because some malls will be busy so early in the morning would be ideal. Early in the morning at the mall will allow us to film with little distractions and most people wont be here either. We chose December 10th to film our video because this Saturday I have to take SAT test. Another reas...