
Hey guys, we are back from break and planning continues. This film is unlike any work from last year and it is setting in. Jackson and sean are juniors who have a lot going on. while Sean D is a senior ready to get his diploma which is his last credit and ours too. Unlike last year it is simpler as our location is right by Jackson's house, it's a forest park where we can film and use the natural setting. We plan to try and start production in mid-February and get ahead of it as junior year is busy but you never know. Our backup time is right after the school SAT as we would no longer worry about that. Jackson and Sean are the main actors along with one of his neighbors which is undecided yet who will act as the victim found in our thriller. Being in a natural environment people can be at risk so finding a safe section without wild animals is a must. Our props so far are minimal as we just need a car, outfits for the actors along with a phone to act as how they call 911. My Dsl...